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The anger and regrets here showcased are truly palpable. I can feel the visceral toward the woman that both willingly adopted but could not bring herself to be a mother, while at the same time turning a more sympathetic, forgiving tone to the child that deserved to be loved unconditionally; who just deserved so much more. Kendrick Lamar's been a big inspiration to me as well as of late following recent events, and I feel like you took the visceral hate emanating from Meet the Grahams and translated it to your own style beautifully. The shared emotions of familial disorder are equally strong here. "Please have the courage to hate her", was the biggest hitter for me. 

Those who grew up in abusive/unstable home lives owe nothing to the people who chose not to treat them better. All the dresses in the world will never make up for a lost childhood. Well done; incredibly written, especially for the length requirements.

Words can gutpunch harder than fist. Good job.

Great job. Really enjoyed. Heartfelt and hauntingly real. 


This was heartbreakingly good, the intimacy of siblings seeing each other (and all the things you think go unseen) combined with the emotional weight of being a caretaker and having to grow up too soon... wow. This will stay with me for a while!

(4 edits) (+3)

Kendrick Lamar really is a top tier hater. But this letter has a fair amount of SPICY HATE in it as well. I like how the brother admits that yeah, he fucked off to Silicon Valley, and he's sorry enough about it to write the letter, but not sorry enough to not fuck off to Silicon Valley lmao. Fun story.

Also Meet The Grahams hell yeah


The writing is excellent. I am marveled at how the hatred but also the brother's love showed through in such a concise way. Each paragraph had equal emphasis than the one before it and it leaves me speechless. Great job.


Wow. This is well written. I don’t have the ability to write exactly what i love about it or how deep this is. But it defenitly hit hard and has me tearing up even.


"please have the courage to hate her"

It's short but delivers everything in a raw and real way. A siblings helplessness... That's something you carry your whole life. Each paragraph to an inevitable end.


the-click-to-advance almost feels like co-writing… the repeated refrain is something present or physical, and then the rest of the letter after each click is exculpatory. the feelings of not being there or not doing enough are #relatable


such a painful letter. i quite like how despite us never getting her perspective, each new paragraph overlays my own experience to how she might be feeling by the time she reads this. how our childhood is the sum of parts that are out of our control- it is scary